Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Our Busy Life

So we are just about 5 months into this deployment and it sucks! I've had so much going on with the boys, there is never a dull moment.
We found out our youngest had torticollis (pulled 4 muscles in his neck when coming out of the womb) plagiocephaly and had to had to be helmeted so I am making a long haul to Milwaukee and back and taking him to physical therapy 2X's a week. We also found out he was allergic to his formula so we switched him to soy.
Dante' is attending speech the other 2 days we aren't in therapy for Royce so like I said we are always on the go. We also found out he is allergic to gluten, wheat, dairy, eggs, and basically everything outside along with asthma so we have changed to basically a vegan diet and he is on singulair for the asthma/allergies. He joined a daycare which he attends Tues. and Thurs. It's his first time away from home, but he actually loves it and loves the kids. He will be having surgery June 24Th to remove a Thyroglossal duct cyst and our prayers came true, his daddy will be home for his surgery and we couldn't be happier. I am physically and mentally exhausted with everything that is going on so it's a GREAT time for him to come home!
I cannot wait until he is back from the tour so we can settle in a new home and actually have our own stuff. I've been borrowing my parents stuff because all of our stuff is on Fort Carson in storage. Well I think I wrote enough for one night.