Well since it's been so long I thought I'd provide you with a quick update. Dante' turned 3 on the 15th of August and he also started school the 21st of September. So needless to say he's been a very busy little boy! Here are a few pictures from his birthday party and his first day of school. It's so nice because he goes Monday-Thursday 9-2 which is perfect because I have class Monday-Thursday 11-1:40 so it's perfect because I only have to pay for a sitter for little Royce. Okay here's some pictures/videos.
This First Picture is Dante' on his first day of school. Can you tell he's not a morning person? He usually sleeps until at least 9:30 so 8 am comes early for him!

These next few pictures are from his birthday party

I am having trouble uploading the video from his party so that will have to come in the next post.
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