I find my strength in my children's laugh, my happiness in their hugs & kisses, and all the faith I need to keep me going in their beautiful eyes!
This Christmas was so much fun with my two little munchkins. Just seeing their glowing faces Christmas morning brought tears to my eyes. Dante' was so cute he couldn't stop saying "thank you" after each gift he opened. I will be sure and post pictures soon. It's been so hectic around here as we are leaving in just 2 short weeks and half of our stuff is in bags.
Here's a quick update on the boys.
Royce--where do I begin? My parents call him the road runner. He's non stop running everywhere and getting into everything. He is so busy and hilarious. He's got quite the vocabulary for his age. He says; Mommy, Dada, papa, nana, puppy, nose, head, belly, ball, baby, juice, yes, no, he calls his big brother bubbie. He repeats EVERYTHING you say. He even counts to 5 and sings "choose it, use it, put it away" it's a song Dante' learned at head start which he taught to Royce. He now points his finger and will tell you "no" He loves to sing head shoulders knees and toes and Old McDonald. He loves people and will run to anyone and say hi. In fact everywhere I take him he is saying hi or waving to everyone.
Here are a few newer photos of our 14 month old

Dante' has been so much fun this year. He's talking so much now and is so helpful with his little brother. Dante' is very loving. He is constantly telling me "I love you mama" and kissing me. I love it!!! He is really missing his daddy. He still calls for him everyday and looks for him and then will tell me daddy is gone or daddy is working. It's so sad, but I remind him everyday that his daddy loves him and will be home soon. He has a picture of him and his daddy he carries with him and will kiss it all the time. He still loves dinosaurs and pretty much can tell you all about them. He will also tell you about all of the letters and what sounds they make. He'll correct you if you say a color wrong too..I was giving him a crayon and said "lets use the pink one" and he said "no mama it's fuchsia" His favorite thing to do is exploring the outdoors and reading books. I had to buy new books for Christmas because we are starting to memorize all the ones we have.
So Goodbye 2009 and Hello 2010.
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