This post is a little late I know, but I still have to include it and attach some pictures.
On Thursday February 12 I got a call telling me to head to the welcome center to greet my hubby. I was so happy because they had been getting delayed because of the bad weather and weren't supposed to be in until Saturday. So the kids and I got ready and got there right on time. Luckily they had stuff for the kids to do such as the bounce house because it was a 2 1/2 hour wait until the soldiers walked in. I can tell you that when they walked in I don't remember anything during the ceremony I was just waiting to run and tackle my soldier!!!! Dante' found is daddy out of the crowd and jumped in his arms and said "daddy your back" and started to cry. From that point on he's been attached to his hip just like old times. He doesn't want his daddy to even leave for work he always waits for the "I'll be right back after work, Dante" and then he's okay. We've been enjoying our time together so much and cannot wait for our trip to Wisconsin and Michigan on Monday to see our families.
Here are a few pictures:

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