Sunday, April 10, 2011

We put up the crib

Even though I am only about 28 weeks we decided to put up the crib to get it out of the way.  I still have to paint the dresser and changing table and buy a few things for the nursery.  I also have a huge list of little things I need such as; paci's, mittens so they don't scratch their face, bibs because they spit up A TON, receiving blankets, and socks.  I also want to get an outfit to take him home from the hospital with AND I need to decide on a diaper bag!  I pretty much have everything else and just cannot wait for him to get here!  My next appointment is the 20th and then an ultrasound the 25th so I'll be posting more updates after that.


Krysta said...

I love the blanket/quilt, where did you get it? Childrens Place and American Eagle kids have super cute stuff for baby boys on sale right now! I just ordered :)

The Ellis Family said...

That's his blanket and I will post pictures as soon as his quilt is finished. I picked out the fabric and had the stuff handmade by my aunt. It was way cheaper and this way I could get exactly what I imagined/wanted. We have an american eagle kids store at the mall so I did get some stuff for my boys, but I'll have to checkout the online sale too. Is it fun shopping for a boy now? I bet Jerm is so happy!! How are you feeling?