Friday, May 20, 2011

34 Weeks 3 Days

Well we had our big appointment in Syracuse with the Perinatal Dr. and everything went amazing.  Baby G is going to be coming sooner than later.  We had a 1.5 hour long ultrasound appointment and Giovanni was looking at us (with open eyes) sucking his thumb the whole time.  He's definitely going to take after Dante' as he's already 5lbs and measuring in the 80 percentile :)  I will go in once a week now and get a stress test and ultrasound just to make sure he's still doing great.  This is because I have a blood clot connected to the placenta which isn't causing any harm.  Worst case is I can go into premature labor so I am on bed rest until I have him.  We've known about the blood clot since our first u/s, but haven't really talked about it because it wasn't affecting little Gio.  I haven't had any bleeding or anything and he's growing like a weed!!!  The Dr. said he should be coming within 2-3 weeks eeeeekkk.  I thought I was so ready, but I just made a checklist and we still need a LOT.  We have no blankets, pacis, swaddle blankets, the little mittens, and there's just a lot of other "little things" we still need and I am beginning to freak out.  I don't want to buy this stuff now because we are moving in 2 weeks and it's just more stuff to carry.  That's another thing MOVING!  I really hope Gio stays comfortable until after we move.  My parents will come for the birth along with Kevin's mom so we will have a lot of help putting the house together.  My mom is going to stay for 3 weeks since she is off for the summer and then we are planning on heading to Michigan to meet Jonah and let everyone meet Gio.  So needless to say things are CRAZY around here!!!  

Here are some 34 week stats

How far along? 34 weeks! 
Baby’s Size: We had an ultrasound on Thursday and Gio is about 5lbs :)
Total Weight Gain: 12lbs
Bellybutton: out
Stretchmarks: None.
Maternity Clothes: no just leggings and extra long tanks.  I did buy one maternity dress however.
Gender: All boy.
Movement: moving all the time.
Sleep: I toss and turn and get up about 7 times to pee.   
Food Cravings: WATERMELON
Best Moments this week: seeing our little boy with his eyes open sucking his thumb :)
What I am Looking forward to: having 3 adorable boys :)